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Tried to give this one the benefit of the doubt but it really just has nothing going on for me. I don't even particularly take issue with it being "grindy", I barely grinded anything up to the point where I decided to drop the game, which according to the guide I checked afterwards ended up being only 2 or so dungeons out from the final boss, and ran into pretty much no issues with my characters aside from deciding to grind a little after running into some tough creeps in the later parts of the game's overworld that were giving me some trouble. Needless to say, I played enough of the game to gain a pretty good grasp of the scope of it's combat systems, and as someone who usually plays these games for the battle systems, and wasn't getting much out of the story either it seemed like a pretty straightforward conclusion that the game wasn't my style and to just drop the game and maybe come back if ever there came a world where I had literally no other JRPGs left to play. I really don't even want the "vindication" that may or may not come from having actually finished the game; had it maybe been a short, 4-6 hour affair that I could have burned through in a day l may have given the end credits a go, but as it is it's really just not up my alley

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2021
