pretty nice step up from World in a lot of ways, although it carries forwards a lot of it's issues like the butchering of some weapon identities and the far worse armour skill system which encourages ridiculous levels of power creep in it's design. On the plus, mantles, the slinger, and the clutch claw are gone in favor of the wirebug, a game element that works like a toned-down version of hunter arts from XX/Generations while also expanding mobility to better navigate the persistent maps which also carries over from world. What doesn't carry over from world in the maps, thankfully are that game's accursed tech-demo-tier layouts. No more Ancient Forest! Yay! While there's still a good deal of verticality the individual zones in the maps are generally much flatter, making them far better suited as arenas for Hunting Monsters In and the overall layouts feel far more functional rather than World's environments which felt focused more on Looking Good but not Feeling Good to play in. We're also back to having separate village and hub quests which means, at least compared to world there's actually a relatively decent amount of content in this one for the high-rank version... I think the new mounting system is mostly pretty good, and in how it works definitely feels like an evolution of the mechanic from it's inception in 4, although it's a little too easy as is to get mounts, which is kind of a minus depending on what you value in terms if the game's difficulty. If you're the boomer who's more into the older games Rise is probably still far from the perfect MH for you, and it is for me too; but it's overall still a very enjoyable experience with mostly solid gameplay and a nice story.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2022
