Don't think I've been this disappointed in a game in a long while...
A music themed boss fight oriented beat 'em up sounds like something extremely up my alley, and the visuals put the game on my radar pretty much as soon as it came out. However, apart from those nice visuals, and some pretty good music, it's kinda bad...
The gameplay is incredibly boring. The stages are comprised of two "phases": getting to the boss and the boss fight itself. The first part geniuenly feels like it's only purpose is padding. It's just defeating the same 5 fodder enemies until you get to the boss. The enemies aren't synched to the music well, and desynch often, which makes the entire premise of "everything in the city moves to the beat" fall flat in every encounter. The boss fights are better about that (even having attacks that go off on beat sometimes) but they are still absolute yawnfests.
Storywise, also nothing to write home about. There's too much stuff in the game, with not enough time to flesh out everything. It feels like the characters are one dimensional and underdeveloped.

I really just didn't enjoy myself, other than seeing the nice art and hearing some good if forgettable music.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
