Mastered some time in late 2019, mastered again with each new DLC.

In many ways, a superior translation of a comic book superhero canon to a video game than Arkham City or Arkham Asylum (between which Rocksteady Studios carved out its own mini-timeline of events that is self-contained but at the same time significantly influenced the Batman comics yet to come; whereas Insomniac here has accomplished the reverse: taken every major Spider-Man arc and condensed it into a surprisingly cogent and evocative portrayal of everyone's favorite webhead that more or less hits every note in order. Yes, this game really does make you feel like a real person).

Holding it back from the full 5 stars because once you do master the combat, most of the encounters (bosses included) become dull to replay. It only happens after a long time, of course, but when devs like From Software exist the bar is that much higher.

Beautiful graphics, stunning rendering of NYC, captivating gameplay and, in particular, web-slinging.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2022
