I'm apparently the only person to play this weird little game. It's not good but it served its purpose as a distraction during car rides when I was a kid.

An absolute travesty this never reached 1.0. A truly great game that had incredible potential.


Not very good but I appreciate the attempt.

Really enjoyed this, but I do think the back half is a little rushed. Things start popping off and then the game just ends. Would've loved just a few more chapters.

I would adore this game if it wasn't a roguelite. Still incredibly well made though.

Really loved this for the most part but I do think it's a bit too obtuse at times. Even something as simple as a quest log would help to keep track of what I should be doing and where I should be going. Looking forward to the sequel!

This is a fun throwback NES style game without all the frustrations of playing an actual NES game.

Although mechanically superior and more fun to play than Alwa's Awakening, it nevertheless falls short of its predecessor.

Being a throwback NES game, Awakening's design flaws felt intentional and charming. Its simplicity was its greatest strength.

Legacy's design flaws on the other hand slowly reveal themselves to be rather tedious. By introducing more complexity - more characters, story, items, magic upgrades, and abilities - my expectations rose dramatically. But Legacy never fully meets those expectations. The new magic upgrades are neat but never feel essential. And while there is some clever use of the new abilities in certain dungeons, they more often seem to trivialize the platforming challenge.

Still a solid little metroidvania and I hope we get a third game in the series.

Iconoclasts is a real struggle to review. There's stuff I adore in this game and stuff I absolutely hate. I wish Robin wasn't a silent protagonist and yet I understand the choice. I wish the moment to moment combat was more interesting. Puzzles are ok but no real big brain moments that made me feel smart. Overall though, I think it's still a great experience.

5/5 Story 4/5 Characters 3/5 Metroidvania

There's a lot to love here, especially if you've become disillusioned with Pokemon. But a few baffling design decisions and quality of life issues hold Cassette Beasts back from being a truly great monster taming game.

Contemporaries like Coromon and Monster Sanctuary are better in my opinion, but I reckon Cassette Beasts has a stronger foundation for potential sequels.

Cool character creator and decent action rpg but the atrocious pacing is what really drags this down.

Good but not great second entry in the Pixel Pulp series.

The framing device with Lou is a neat reveal, but by the end I really wished this was standalone story. I just think there were too many gaps in the 1954 story that didn't get explored enough, since we keep cutting back to '81.

Xantos needs his own game stat!

I give these guys credit for bringing Duelyst back from the dead, but this is in no way a sequel or follow up to the original. It's literally just the same game but slightly worse.

Good story. Okay fights. Bad level design.