there are two kinds of reading-heavy crpgs: the novel kind and the taxes kind. disco elysium and dragon age are the novel kind. pillars of eternity is both. bg3 is strictly the taxes kind. if you enjoy micromanaging everything down to who farted in which direction on tuesday and how that affects your spell direction in today’s wind current, you will love this. if you don't enjoy doing that, like me, then you may struggle a bit to just get through it for the story, which is ultimately kind of mediocre and convoluted if you are also, like me, not familiar with dnd lore. but the characters are a lot of fun, and despite the overwhelming amount of content (sometimes less is more, devs, please), if you've been missing fenris and miranda lawson and dorian pavus since bioware's last "succesful" rpg in 2014, well, this definitely fills that hole.

Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
