you play as a kid named iko who goes on a journey with their dog, coco, throughout the seasons which are filled with minigames and (re)uniting friends. for a short one-hour game, i feel like you could still cut half the dialogue boxes without losing anything. the concept is sweet but so much player action is interrupted that i felt i was being talked at instead of playing a game. you meet a porcupine, and coco says "now we've met porcupine." coco says you'll meet a black dog soon, and the narration says "now you know about the black dog." and thrown in at the end there is a tedious turn-based battle for some reason. i'm trying to be generous since this was clearly designed for kids, but i think even kids might get impatient with how much hand-holding this game has. there's not much freedom to actually play the game.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024
