This is my least favorite of the two DLC's for AC Odyssey. I really liked the order of the ancient's and how we got to explore parts of the map that we didn't before. The order had this way of making us be in the wrong, and even turning civilians against us. The boss fights were straightforward, but the bosses themselves were presented magnifically. The new abilities were a nice touch and better than most that came with the main game. If all of this is true, why do I prefer fate of Atlantis? First of all, I'm pretty sad that we never got to actually use the hidden blade, but Darius was a decent enough character. Like I stated earlier, the bosses felt no different from the main game except in the story department. Yet again just like the main game, this DLC has a ton of side bloat. The romance was fine but didn't need to be added or forced, especially that last scene. The missed potential in this DLC just makes me look back on it and think why ubisoft. If you're thinking of picking up the DLC's, this one isn't too bad, especially if you liked the main story. PS: Get the season pass, it comes with both DLC's and AC3 remastered.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
