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15h 0m

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alright, i got pretty far into this game, 51 stars (i was planning on just getting the 70 and calling it a day) but i couldn't force myself to sit through this anymore.

this game is kind of shit - it was my introduction to mario as a child and i do have fond memories of it, but i'm 20 now and i have since played the N64 version of the game multiple times (it's one of my favorite games of all time), and yeah this DS port feels like a shitty tech demo that probably shouldn't have seen release. it's not the worst thing in the world and it serves its purpose of being a 3D platformer on a handheld in 2004 (that's crazy impressive), but beyond that, it's nothing worth going back to in 2023.

the controls are piss poor, it's soooo awkward to hold Y to sprint whilst pressing R to long jump, just doesn't feel great, and using a d-pad to move around is so uncomfortable, and no, the 3DS' circle pad does not alleviate this issue even slightly, still feels jank since the game was made to accommodate for the d-pad.

the inclusion of yoshi, luigi, and wario is ... interesting. it's cool that it's there but for me personally it wasn't it. i just don't see the thought process behind adding new characters with entirely new movesets and floatiness to them when all of the levels present in the game are designed around mario's moveset... this is LITERALLY what makes mario 64 stand out even 27 years later, the way the levels work around mario. not yoshi, not luigi, and definitely not fucking wario the tubby bastard. even when you ARE playing as mario, the game just... controls differently, in a bad way, you can barely move yourself in air so if you fuck up a jump there isn't much room to save yourself.

besides that, it's just mario 64 but worse innit, so i can't give it anything less than 2 stars without feeling silly. but yeah, definitely not worth your time in my opinion. in a world where you can play mario 64 on just about any modern device, going back to this oldie is just not it man. please, if you consider this game good and you haven't played the N64 version, give that one a shot.