I liked this first chapter much more than I did Blood Drive. It felt a lot more like the original game and because of that I really do hope that by some miracle they finish this game. The story kept me intrigued and I didn't mind the puzzles.

Still, it's got the same bug problem that blood drive had, they were fairly obvious though not game-breaking. But the more glaring problem for me are these annoying sections where they throw a million enemies at you while you are in the dark. This is especially annoying when you have no indication of WHERE to go for your objective. Simple solution to this problem would be to stop making sections like this! It sucked in Blood Drive and it sucks here too.

Still this definitely was a big step up from the gameplay of Blood Drive. Puzzles were much more condensed and were much more reminiscent of classic RPG Maker horror ones. The boss fights weren't terrible either. They were simple, which I guess if you're gonna include them in a game like this, they really should be.

Highest point for me was the characters (though it may not be for everyone else). I thought Ayame was given a good introduction and the mysteries surrounding her interest me. Ritsuko was a bit strange but I assumed that her personality would've likely been elaborated on in future chapters. Chiyomi was definitely Seiko fanservice so that was also nice. Everybody else just wasn't there for long enough but it certainly was promising, as was the extra chapter.

Strangely I think the music and sound effects, which is usually the highest point of this series, was pretty lacking here. There were tracks that sounded completely out of place, being extremely dramatic and sounding like it would belong in an action movie.

The atmosphere and creep factor I get from Corpse Party is something I don't see replicated really anywhere else. Even in this game I still felt it, this unnerving feeling that I only get from a few games in the genre. It may just be that it's always had an anime-look to it, something that isn't usually associated with horror. Or maybe it's how terrifying and disgusting the gore-fest becomes, but this series is something I can't help but love. I really hope this game gets finished since it definitely had quite a bit of potential to be equally as great as its predecessor.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023
