GTA4 is my favorite GTA and it's not close.

I never beat the story, I probably never will. I never beat the story on any GTA game. I just don't care for them. What I do care for is fucking around on the massive open world cities of these games and my favorite way to do that was with friends.

Way back before GTA Online really swept everything with it's popularity here in Serbia me and my friends were in our local PC Club playing the fuck out of GTA 4 LAN baby. That was the real fun. The memories of fucking each other up on deathmatch or just driving around screaming are ingrained into my brain and will stay there forever.

Is this review based purely on nostalgia? Yeah. Could I do all of the things I listed above in GTA 5? Yeah. Would it be the same? Never in a million years.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
