A fun Metroidvania-style platformer with lots of cool abilities and extremely beautiful and vibrant visuals. The game was challenging, sometimes frustrating, but overall a decent balance if you're willing to tough it out. I liked the puzzle sections but I won't lie about some of the solutions being unclear. I had to cheese some of the platformer puzzles to progress in the game lol.

Now let's get down to my skill issues: I had a hard time 100% my save file due to an area that I missed which the map didn't indicate. I guess maybe that can be due to user error but it was literally a small section in the Ginso Tree that I visited but didn't step on. I literally went up and down the whole tree a good half a dozen times and let me tell you, I was about to cry lmao

With that being said, I didn't have as good of a time that I hoped I would with this game. Maybe it's because of the game's reputation and I expected a lot more from it. That's definitely a me problem though. There's various gimmicks throughout the game, especially in the major sections, most involving puzzles and platforming. I enjoyed a lot of them and when I figured out the solution to some of these section I was like "Ohhh, I get it now. That's really that's cool."

I also liked the save anywhere mechanic but I do realize it could be a problem for some. You have to be strategic as it uses your energy but if you're like me then you did lots of the collectibles and abilities to mitigate this problem. Although, I can totally see this being extremely frustrating for younger players.

I liked this game overall. The story was predictable and a little too saccharine for my tastes. It's the visuals and gameplay which I would say are mostly really good. The music was also good but some of the sections where the music is supposed to be emotional didn't really hit for me.

Once you get the full arsenal of movement the game becomes a lot more fun and almost trivial once you get the hang of things. I did have lots of fun zipping around and using enemies as bounce pads. The game rewards exploration and searching every nook and cranny to find something that can make Ori a much more fun character to play as.

I'd say the hardest parts about this game for me was honestly the sections with the owl, especially the last one. I was getting so mad after dying over and over that when the ending of the game occurred I didn't really care. I wish I felt some type of happiness or satisfaction with the ending but I didn't. Again, a lot of my problems boil down to skill issues and minor gripes with gimmicks, puzzles, and difficulty in some parts.

I definitely would recommend this game if you're into platformers and/or metroidvanias. It's challenging and it has lots to offer in it's core gameplay loop. Would I play this again? Maybe but I don't plan on doing so anytime soon. If you're a completionist then this is probably gonna be one of more simpler games that you can 100%. I don't like giving out number scores for things but if I had to then I'd say this is a high 7, low 8. Overall, good game, I liked it but I didn't love it like everyone else.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
