I wrote a whole review for Half-Life 2 and it's story expansions but I scrapped it because I don't think I can adequately describe how awesome this game is. I'm a little emotional, just finished Episode Two, and I'm sitting here amazed by how this game presented itself. The story, the gameplay, mechanics, physics (oh god the physics), the weapons, it's all immaculate.

Some might see the combat sections as a downgrade from it's predecessor and I may be inclined to agree but this game is far larger in scope and I think it did a solid job. I think the episode expansions tried to bring in some more elements from the first game and while I did find the episodes to be good, they could've been better. I enjoyed the stories for both but some of the chapters were lackluster. That however shouldn't deter anyone from playing this amazing game.

Seriously, if you haven't played Half-Life 2 then do it. Right now (as of June 30th, 2023) it's on sale for $2 depending on the bundle you get. For the longest time I've been a Halo kid, thinking that those were the best campaigns that fps' had to offer. Today after finishing Half-Life 2 and it's story expansions for the first time, I will say that Half-Life 2 has the best campaign for a fps. It's the real deal and it's now one of my favorite games of all time. It's a shame that we'll never get a Half-Life 3 because I think the industry, nay, the fans need it right now.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2023
