I am almost certain that this will be my favorite game i played this year and if it isn’t than hot damn am I gonna have a great year for the games that I play. It’s jam packed with so much to do and enjoy. The dialogue is generally pretty enjoyable, only bogged down sometimes by the multiple intertwining forces at work making the plot hard to follow with the constant twists and turns. This is, of course, counter balanced by the wonderful and zany humor that is at the core of this game, present in the dialogue, subplots, animations, and voice acting.

With all of these wonderful things that make this game amazing, there is also an unfortunate number of things holding this game back. The largest issue is how mindless the combat is. Playing on normal, I faced difficulty only slightly in the beginning, but quickly grew in power making all other fights a breeze, including the bosses (with the exception of the Amons). While it is a blessing to have so much to do, many of the systems don’t feel fully fleshed out, namely the skill tree, catfights, and item finding. In addition to this, the writing suffers from one of the same issues that Game of Thrones did as in introducing interesting characters and killing them off almost immediately after. Another gripe being with the writing would be that there are so many deaths and then reversals of the deaths that make it a bit difficult to feel much emotion when a character does truly die.

All this being said, this game truly hooked me in to the point where I bought the next five games before I finished this one, so I’m excited to see how I enjoy the next ones now that I know to crank the difficulty up.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024
