This game wasn't my thing. The characters were boring, the graphics weren't great, and the combat (aside from the teambuilding) felt very barebones. I did enjoy it for what is was and had a nice time, just not an outstanding game by any means.

One of my first switch games, still one of my favorites. The platforming feels very tight yet fluid and the amount of moons and variety of level was enough to keep me engaged for plenty of hours. Would recommend.

I really liked this game. I played it when I first got into RPG's so there's a chance I simply wasn't worn out by the tropes of the genre yet (which this game is full of), so instead I enjoyed the game for it's fun combat, engaging class progression, and decent story.

While I mostly bought it due to the youtuber who created it, I was happy to find a decent rage platformer game waiting for me!