Everything about Arzen Legacy is built on a solid foundation, the animation is great, the puzzles are great, and the formula of the series has been pretty much perfect'd at this point. Arzen Legacy by all means uses all the resources that previous Layton games had and makes use of them for it's own benefit and in a lot of ways is the logical conclusion of 6 games into one. That's the thing though, you can have everything work in favor for you and still lose it if you don't focus on a good story. Arzen Legacy felt like it was being built up throughout this whole prequel series and while there are some nice building blocks to the mystery, it ultimately fails to achieve this. The game feels far too bloated and misses a lot of beats to have all the twists and turns it has fall flat. It's a real shame too because the game really just needed to be longer or fix it's pacing in order to have all these mysteries feel satisfying. Still this doesn't ruin the game from being good on it's own, but it does notably suffer from it. Arzen Legacy is a decent last outing for Layton, but Unwonded Future still feels like the better end to the series, and I suppose I'm fine with that.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2021
