It's shocking to learn that some games are just obsolete enough that it can be replaced, yet the experience isn't replicated. Team Kirby Clash Deluxe is a more robust version of it's side game counterpart, but not nearly as fleshed out or the same as Super Kirby Clash. While both Super Kirby Clash and Team Kirby Clash Deluxe have the same structure, Super Kirby Clash does a lot more to mitigate the tediousness of the gameplay loop compared to it's prequel game. Honestly if you are looking for some fun Kirby boss fights and cute costumes, you are better off at picking Super Kirby Clash because this game literally offers nothing new to the story, gameplay, or costumes.

Still both the game and the experiences of Team Kirby Clash Deluxe should be treated differently, or at least enough to acknowledge that Super Kirby Clash is the better game. While I really want to highlight the differences in the two games, really what it comes down to is more waiting times, a less fleshed out story, and no online co-op to be had. It certainly is a neat idea to play against bosses with a bunch of kirby's, but the fact you need 3 other players locally really kills any of the spirit this game has. On top of that, online support is just awful. Either the game is lying to me, and doesn't give me actual players or the game pulls together players around the same level instead of just anywhere. This leds to a lot of difficulty spikes at random parts of the game as rarely will your team mates be any higher than 2 levels above you, and acquiring apples is only got through a main campaign and has no shared co-op rewards. This added to the fact it's apart of the free to start campaign that Nintendo launched on the 3ds, really lends itself to just another game out to take your money.

Really it just sucks to think about people skipping out on Super Kirby Clash because they had a bad experience with Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, and the experiences I had with both games are just night and day. I went into Super Kirby Clash thinking it just be another free to start, barebones game that Nintendo made to take your money; when in reality that part was already taken by it's 3DS counterpart. There is absolutely nothing worth of note to play this 3ds game over the switch version. They are still treated as different games by timeline standards as this is technically the prequel to Super Kirby Clash, but unless you're a freak like me that gets off on beating games, don't bother.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2022
