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played oct 13th for rpgmaker october

moga, or CARRIONBLUE or bilexth as theyre known on rpgmaker.net and gamejolt respectively, is one of the more prolific creators working in the engine im checking out this month, having made at LEAST 8 or even more games in just the 3 year period between 2010 and 2013, and a few more after that. so i taste tested quite a few of them w a friend to see which i wanted to play thru the entirety of for this month, and this was the one i finished. despite having the amateurishness of being mogas first >1 hr long game, it had a lot of elements i was curious to see how theyre handled for 2011: a vague story abt a cross dressing boy sent to purgatory, graphics w that blocky cave story stink but like decently put together for it, faux bump action rpg type combat thats simplistic to a fault but is an uncommon attempt for the engine, n exploration involving tediously retreading dungeons to reach contextless crumbs of narrative that is, like much of moga's games in some ways or others, an abrasive experience. also a title like that is hard to pass up.

i didnt like it all that much but i cant be too hard on it. tbf moga was doing decaying menhera flavor before it was in vogue, and their knack for coaxing putrid aesthetics out of rpgmaker is rly impressive. its not insincere by any means, its just that there isnt alot to dig into. its not that interestingly not fun and the narrative tidbits dont really come together to do anything that significant. from what i played safety and esp life is a maze might play off the combat in this game a bit better, and the ghost suburb games (not counting instead; which is nothing) refine the aesthetic sensibilities moga goes for, idt i have more to say on these games past that.