i will never forgive the cowards at retro for once walking god's path with the understated solemn soldier samus in prime 1, the closest the franchise has gotten to the platonic ideal of that one nintendo power illustration, only to cave to sakamoto's latex waifu fetish for prime 2. not gonna pretend samus was never sexualized until the gba games but the hardware limitations at least gave some space for dignity, prime 1 was proof it was a possible direction to develop towards until it was cruelly ripped away from us. her render in this game looks like shit too and that just feels so fitting, the true visage of the eldritch monstrosity venerated as a core deity of the hideous nintendo cum cult. i love to do screw attacks in a 3d space even if it isnt as flexible as super metroid.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2021

1 Comment

3 years ago

Yeah I liked her design in Super and Prime 1 the best. Especially how she was made to look muscular which makes sense considering the suit she works with.