A point and click adventure about a young woman coming to terms with her own past as well as that of her family’s after going back home for a funeral and the mystery that is unearthed surrounding that death.
I came away thinking that the game was perfectly fine but that’s it. I often thought of Hobs Barrow and how that really set the scene for a small town story with its sense of place as I’m still quite fond of Bewlay whereas the setting for Kathy Rain doesn’t stand out for me nor does the time period it’s set in. Although it does allow for some nice interactions because of the technological constraints of the 90s.
The central mystery is interesting enough and it feels like a series in the making which I wouldn’t be opposed to playing. I just wasn’t as engaged as I would’ve liked which is a shame as it’s not bad. I think it’s partly down to the voice acting. The main character is okay but everyone feels somewhat middling to be honest as I didn’t warm to anyone.
It’s fine! If you’re a point and click fan your mileage will vary with this it might hit for you but it didn’t quite do it for me.

Reviewed on May 03, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

Though I have not played Hobs Barrow (yet) had a similar feeling. In this type of story the town itself should be a character and I never got that feeling, which is something even a game I hate like Harverster does well (also the only reason why it's remembered).