Ah... So there is a chance that my burger is infected...?
Just a second, my Big Mac just arrived

The first time I saw Payday was in a Goat Simulator dlc gameplay

I remember the young me just messing around with my character and seeing the other players

My PC when I bought it didn't work so well ;-;

Someday I will finish this...

I wish I had spend more time on this masterpiece, I miss this so much :(

I was a happy kid and I didn't k'now it...

I remember that a friend on like 4th grade ask me to join him and play. That was in 3/18/2018, day that I created my steam account

Where's my Mimicentry Valve??

My pc almost died because of the MILLION bottles that have in the scenery

Moral of the story: Don't go to the forest when you have to think about. especially when you are carring a bunch of your favorite things that your favorite person gave you.

Looked like my ex discord boyfriend...

I can't wait to put my foots on this incredible house!!
(just kidding)

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Kids are bad...