very adorable art style and cute idea! ♡

i really like the world and character designs! its fun to turn your brain off during

funny concept just not very engaging unfortunately

very cute aesthetic but the music wasnt catchy enough for it to pass in the rhythm game department. still a lovely time though (:

the demo was so fun!! excited for the full game ♡

recommendation from a friend! very cute main character design (copied from another series? idk the lore)


unique and fun to look at! i like the character designs (:

fun and unique, a good way to pass some time (:

cute!! more enjoyable watching people on tiktok solve it compared to playing it myself though, haha. lovely vibes ♡

very interesting, i was pleasantly surprised ♡ i also love the art style, it feels so unsettling but pretty at the same time

cute but soo boring unfortunately

a very strong ending to a cute, charming game! the train mechanic does get repetitive and boring after a while (especially with all of the fetch quests) but its enjoyable in a nostalgic way ♡

i sobbed hysterically. through the whole game. absolutely beautiful ♡

very cute design, i like the idea even if its short (: