Once again oddwarg makes an amazing experience
Kinda open worldish game whit flight controls that were fine-tuned to almost perfection
Seriously the way the flight controls were made is really satisfying, even more impressive because this game is built on a whole game engine made from scratch
And as is tradition for oodwarg the bosses in the game are engaging and interesting, while not as intense as eggman hates furries they still manage to be interesting and fun to fight.
The open world elements kind of remind me of sonic frontiers, specially because the flying controls have momentum involved and you can get really fast whit them, and the puzzles/small challenges in this game are better than on frontiers (not a high bar though).
The learning curve is a little painful in the start because while the flying controls are good, on ground and specially on combat they are bad and clunky, but once you get used to it (the mandatory tutorial helps a lot) the game becomes fucking awesome.
The way the story and lore is told is also pretty cute whit pages you collect during the game,and while the graphics arent exactly good it has that same flash game charm eggman hates furries has
Also having to beat the game two times just to understand the story is stupid but I can forgive it because the intention was for it to be imerssive(you are stranded on an island whit a foreigner character)

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Current thoughts: I am writing this as I reached one of the main bosses that being maldra from what I saw very cool game whit a beautiful message about how people are discriminatory against anything that is different