3 Reviews liked by macherie

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a review ... I guess

so this is my first time writing a review so bare with me

silent hill is the first game i decided to play when i got my pc and man it was something, at first it was kinda boring but the more i played the more i got hocked up.

gameplay: to be honest i didn't expect anything special from a ps 1 game and it didn't give me anything more, and the same for the controls it's just a matter of time until it starts feeling familiar.

the story:
for starter the pacing was slow for me but it got more interesting when i got to the hospital although it was a little bit of a maze but i figured it out eventually then comes the fucking the other world and the amusement park thats when the game turns into more darkness and emptiness soon after that you go to a familiar place which is "the nowhere" because there where no map i got lost most of the time and i had to cheat a little bit but i got in the end last but not least in the story is the ending personally i got the bad ending- and there are 4 more endings 2 good ones and 1 bad and the funniest/weirdest the UFO one and god it was fun and shocking imagine getting it for ur first playthrough that would be confusing back to my ending to me its the best one and the one that makes the most sense harry a nearly dead man got into a knockd out after his car accident and started dreaming about his daughter but its more of an open ending because we dont know if he even made it.

enemies/bosses: i dont have a lot to say about them cuz there wasnt anything special about them but there good enough the one thing i didnt like were the bosses the were as easy as it gets except cybil she kicked my ass and i didnt have any ammo or helas so i had to cheat other than that the bosses are some times easier than the regular enemies.

puzzles: those are some peak idea puzzles but im kinda dumb so i had to cheat in them in the start but after some time I caught up a little bit and cheated just a few times.

in the end i really enjoyed it and i look forward to play the rest of the games and i give silent hill 1 a solid rating of 8/10.

a perfectly hand-made shitpost
also the cvntiest

are you telling me this masterpiece was made by a ROBLOX DEVELOPER??