Going into Marvel’s Spider-man 2 I already knew this was going to be another excellent entry into this series (besides the dlc of the first game…) and that is precisely what I got.

Every aspect from the previous games has been built and improved upon in my opinion although the story is up for debate - I feel 2018 and Miles Morales handled character development so much better than 2, sometimes in 2 it seems characters are focused on 1 thing for seemingly no proper reason for large chunks of the story - at least that’s what I gather, it isn’t a problem, but it’s just strange. Cinematically 2 is phenomenal, though the other games already were, so i’m not surprised in the slightest, though 2 makes great use of the PS5s controller, the new QTE inputs are SO satisfying, especially that final L2 and R2!

Gameplay is the biggest step up in my opinion, the first 2 games felt flawed in the combat area in my opinion, it got stale at times with annoying brute style enemies taking forever to defeat - especially in Miles Morales… Brutes still do exist in 2 but they are not bad at all, rather I found them fun to defeat - especially the ones with health bars, wiping them out with symbiote powers was great! Speaking of which, Peter’s new symbiote powers slap so hard and are extremely fun to use, especially in the full force mode, you feel unstoppable and that’s exactly how Peter feels when consumed y by the symbiote. I found myself playing as Peter the most simply because how much of a powerhouse he is, though Miles certainly does have his merits but his powers seemed hardly as effective to Peter in my opinion. There is a certain segment in the game where you play as a new character and it’s perhaps some of the most exhilarating enjoyment I’ve had whilst playing the game, gosh, having them in dlc would not make sense story wise but an extra mode with them in would be killer, litterally. Mary Jane missions are still present in the game, I didn’t mind them in the first game really, the death system was so bad though, as soon as you were spotted boom game over, thankfully that is not the case here in 2, MJ has new weapons and movement at her disposal and it makes these missions from a sometimes slog into a watered down The Last Of Us Part 2 which is still a good thing in my opinion, control isn’t all that but everything else is great.

Visuals and performance here are outstanding, it is crazy how the game runs flawlessly 99% of the time without the need for any load times, I’m surprised my PS5 didn’t make a sound quite honestly, especially in that last 2 hours. I suppose this is related - the game does have a few bugs, but 95% of the time you have to actively go out of your way to find these and even if so - they don’t present a problem. Some soft locks are present but thankfully the pause screen always works and you can return to the last checkpoint, which I found was never too far away.

I didn’t really want to cover anything else here as I don’t feel qualified enough to do so (side content - I didn’t do an awful lot, game systems - basic but great, music - its obviously great). It’s going to be hard to go back to 2018 and MM on replays (that’s a good thing and a bad thing) - I’m so excited for what is to come with this set of games, the post credits were phenomenal…

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
