the motion controls are much better here on the switch version compared to the wii, which makes everything so much more enjoyable. when they work, they work, but when they don't, the whole experience grinds to a halt due to how baked in the motion controls are to the whole game. there are button controls now with the right stick, but i tried it for a little and it just felt kinda weird because it "works" but the game isn't originally designed with the concept of moving a stick in certain directions.

overall, it's a fun zelda game with some cool and unique ideas. flying around in the sky is pretty boring. it's just go from point A to point B on the map with nothing interesting to catch your eye, as any chests need to be activated on the surface before you can actually open them, so it gets old pretty fast. skyloft, on the other hand, feels pretty barren for the start of the game, but develops into a location with a variety of sometimes tucked away mini little sidequests that are alright.

the dungeons are actually pretty different in this one, in my opinion. often, the game will give you new information about the dungeon or give you the dungeon map that shows you that there's a fake wall somewhere, etc., which feels kinda interesting.

link and zelda's dynamic is cute. ghirahim is fun.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2023

1 Comment

1 month ago

Skyward Sword has the best dungeons in the franchise imo. I could put 4 of them in a top 10 of best Zelda dungeons 🔥
(Lanaryu Mining Facility, Ancient Cistern, Sandship and Sky Keep)

The game definitely has flaws like the barren Sky, or weird controls. But the dungeons are the most important part of a Zelda game, so I rate SS really high regardless.
I'm glad I never played the original and discovered the game with the HD version. I doubt I would have enjoyed it as much if I played the Wii version