god fucking hell man i have so much i want to say but i have no idea how i can even put it into words

unlike the last serious review i did, the words just cannot come to me as i am typing this because what xc3 means to me is a bit beyond words

every aspect about it (with only slight exaggeration) is made for me from the story with problem some of the best (and most left-leaning) writing of the entire series (from what i have played), to the characters all just being incredible with none of the main 6 feeling lacking or even anything beyond fantastic and all the heroes being pretty good at the very worst to on the level of the main characters as well, to the villains in particular who help shape the theming of the entire story so so perfectly with none of them feeling like they do not fit and some of them even having some great character writing in their own right, and to the gameplay, that somehow, even with the massive world that the game presents, never felt boring or repetitive in the slightest and yes, this includes every part of the gameplay

from the combat, the exploration, the hero system, the sidequests, and even the fucking menuing are all the best they could ever be with only some slight minor problems (enemy debuff resistance is way too high and i wish you could respawn at unique monster statues and also sometimes i do not think the menu should have its own music lol)

this game probably could of been better if given more time especially with certain bugs many have found out about but to me, as it is now, this is my favorite game of all time and i have the highest of hopes for this series' future after it

stunt on those hoes, takahashi.

EDIT: thought i might add to this my thoughts on future redeemed because i am not stat padding my account and it's just an absolutely beautiful addition in every way. this game truly understands the beauty of life in that even if many want to hold back our future, the human spirit will always break through and stop such a thing, even if it takes 1 year, or 1000. the gameplay also was incredible. i loved the addition of the enemy/item encyclopedias because they make my brain go ooooo but even if the combat was way simpler than base game, i still had lots of fun. i'm so glad rex double spinning edge is still so broken.

Reviewed on Sep 01, 2022
