In the interest of trying to be empathetic, the closest comparison I can make is, say, Claremont's X-Men. Claremont's X-Men doesn't immediately give any signs of having been "written." There's a brutal excess of gristly, repetitive dialogue; Marvel editorial at the time had a hard rule that you had to reintroduce every character and their powers in every issue, which is why you have to hear "WITH A BURST OF ENERGY, PIOTR RASPUTIN CHANGES HIS BODY TO ORGANIC STEEL, AND BECOMES... COLOSSUS!" every ten minutes of reading. The art style and many of the basic storytelling devices at play are offputting to someone unfamiliar with the genre. I can assure you over and over that eventually there's some incredible stuff, but I can't expect you to take it on faith, and the only reason I personally was able to get there is because I've been mainlining superhero comics since age 10 and swim in this shit like water.

So maybe there's some value here, down the line, and maybe if I invested 60 hours to get to game 3 I would get into this. But I played, what, 4? 5? hours of this just to get through the first trial--hours and hours and hours of handholding and incessant repetition of the same three little bits of information. I think that's a pretty reasonable time expenditure to come to the conclusion that this is the worst video game I've ever played.

Reviewed on Apr 04, 2021

1 Comment

4 months ago

tbf the first trial of this game is pretty widely considered to be incredibly easy and a sort of 'intro' to the better ones later