36 reviews liked by manatee

An amazing game overall, along with being a nice introduction to the Danganronpa series. Just be prepared for the next game because it only gets more complex from here. Its a bit of a drag in some places and some mystery's are a bit weak compared to the rest of the series murders but its got some great moments and I loved the twist at the end

The writing itself is very bad but it was really fun to play. The trials especially were fun

nothing beats the atmosphere of the first game!!

I play this when im taking a shit and when im done i say to my teammates "done shitting" and turn it off. Doesn't matter how far into the game I am i turn that shit off.

friend of mine kept trying to get me to play this for a really long time, eventually i caved and played the first five minutes or so before putting it away. i barely remember the game but she got arrested for child porn a year later so three stars

Play and have 10/10 fun for a month, drop the game for a year, repeat.

i remember playing this in the basement of my friends house and we would just be screaming constantly. i wonder if his parents hated us