I feel a little bad giving this such a low rating considering my lovely girlfriend loves this game and wanted me to play it, but I'm sorry, this game sucks. Like really bad.

Take away the predatory gacha elements that are particularly grindy and scummy (I think it's actually difficult to be a pay-to-win player because even throwing gobs of money at this game doesn't make the wish feature and ridiculous loopholes of seemingly infinite forms of in-game currency any more forgiving), take away all the complaints of not enough dark skinned characters, take away all of the weird fans who like little girls, and you just have an incredibly dull game full of grinding towards an ever-present abyss of content that just leads to more grinding.

I'm lead to believe that the devs at Genshin Impact just don't want new players to join this game, because jesus christ this game is not welcoming at all. I understand I'm joining right in the middle of this game's lifespan, but the amount of shit to wade through when starting this game for the first time is astronomical. Millions of different random items, weird mechanics, and a giant map that you get to explore at a snail's pace all make for an introduction that left me feeling frustrated and discouraged to even do some of the quests in the first area. Speaking of quests, I sure hope you like those because the game basically requires you to do a bevy of sidequests before progressing the story because of the dumb Adventure Rank mechanic. Wanna do something, like literally anything at all that might progress the story? Well, is your arbitrary rank high enough to do that yet? No? Too bad, looks like you have to open a bunch of random chests and do grindy fetch quests before you can actually play the real game. Sorry!

My frustration peaked when I was trying to redeem a code to get some free wishes (which the game is already stingy with giving out, even with the free event giveaways) and I couldn’t because my Adventure Rank wasn’t high enough yet. So, instead I had to go grind and wander the map for quests to get 300 more exp to raise my rank. It didn’t take a super long time, but it was a serious annoyance and shows to me that Genshin clearly hates their players and doesn’t want them to have any fun.

The cherry on top of all of this is the mind boggling lack of a skip dialogue option. This would allow me to skip the boatloads of annoying textboxes and instead let me opt to actually play the game, but nah, instead I must furiously click my mouse and spacebar in hopes that this cutscene ends soon. God, dude.

The combat is whatever. Got really nothing to say about that. I like some of the character designs, the game is nice looking, some of the music is good, but I can't be bothered to think of anything positive about the game beyond that. This is just not fun at all to play.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2023


1 year ago

Oh, boy, where do I even start with this review? It's like a never-ending fountain of complaints and negativity. You really went all out, didn't you? But hey, let's indulge in a little rebuttal, shall we?

First off, I sense some bitterness towards the gacha system. Yes, it can be grindy, and yes, some players might find it frustrating. But here's the thing: it's a free-to-play game, and the developers need to make money somehow. So, they offer players the option to spend money if they want to speed up their progress or get certain characters. It's a choice, my friend, and no one is forcing you to empty your wallet on virtual goodies.

Oh, and the dark-skinned character complaint? Seriously? Are we really going to nitpick about the ethnic diversity of a game's character roster? Genshin Impact features a wide range of characters with various backgrounds and personalities. Maybe instead of fixating on the skin color, you could appreciate the diversity of their abilities and playstyles.

And let's not forget your delightful comment about "weird fans who like little girls." That's quite a bold generalization, isn't it? Every game has its fanbase, and Genshin Impact is no exception. People are drawn to different aspects of the game, be it the story, the exploration, or the character designs. It's unfair to lump all fans into a single judgmental category.

As for the gameplay, yes, it involves some grinding. It's an open-world RPG, after all. Exploring the vast world, undertaking quests, and improving your Adventure Rank are part of the game's progression. If you're not into that kind of gameplay loop, I can understand why it might feel repetitive or tedious to you. But for many players, it's an engaging and rewarding experience.

And the lack of a skip dialogue option seems to have hit a nerve with you. Sure, it can be a bit frustrating when you're itching to get back into the action, but the dialogue and story are an integral part of the game. Skipping them would undermine the narrative experience that many players enjoy.

Lastly, you mentioned that the combat is "whatever." That's quite dismissive, don't you think? Genshin Impact offers a dynamic combat system with different characters and elemental abilities that can be strategically combined. It has received praise for its combat mechanics and engaging battles.

In the end, I understand that Genshin Impact didn't resonate with you. But it's important to recognize that it has a passionate and dedicated player base who genuinely enjoys the game. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. So, while you may have found it "incredibly dull" and "not fun at all," there are plenty of others who would strongly disagree.

1 year ago

I’m gonna come to your house bruh