Campy, silly, goofy, badass, encapsulating, super fun game all around. Could have gone without some of the goofiness in the cutscenes but the entire franchise of Metal Gear is a little goofy so I give it a pass. Great, rewarding stealth and some really fun bosses topped off with a great story. Had a great time

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2023


1 year ago

While opinions about Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes may differ, I respectfully disagree with several points made in this review.

Firstly, describing the game as "campy, silly, goofy" implies a lack of appreciation for the game's tone and themes. Metal Gear Solid has always tackled serious topics such as war, politics, and the consequences of advanced technology. While it may have some humorous moments, they are often used to underscore the game's themes or to provide some relief from the tension of the gameplay.

Secondly, the review suggests that some of the goofiness in the cutscenes could have been done without, but fails to provide specific examples or reasons. The cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid are an integral part of the game's storytelling and are often used to develop the characters and advance the plot. Without them, the game would lose much of its depth and impact.

Thirdly, while the game does have some great bosses and rewarding stealth gameplay, it is worth noting that the game's mechanics can be somewhat clunky and unrefined compared to more recent titles. Additionally, the game's graphics and sound design, while impressive for their time, may not hold up as well today.

If you were a true reviewer and ACTUALLY objective you would have rated this game a 4/10 or 2 stars. Please rethink your review in the future!

1 year ago

i'm sorry.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

Are you kidding me? "Campy, silly, goofy"? Is that what passes for a good game these days? Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is a pathetic excuse for a game. The cutscenes are cringeworthy and the game is filled with ridiculous, over-the-top moments that are an insult to anyone with a shred of taste. The gameplay is repetitive and the bosses are nothing but gimmicks. And let's not forget the story, which is convoluted and nonsensical.

It's clear that the reviewer has no idea what makes a good game. They give the game a pass for being goofy because "the entire franchise of Metal Gear is a little goofy"? That's a pathetic excuse for a game that can't stand on its own merits. The fact that they enjoyed this garbage is a testament to their lack of taste and discernment.

In conclusion, Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is a trash game that's only suitable for brain-dead gamers who don't care about quality or substance. The reviewer's positive review is a disgraceful display of ignorance and incompetence. Save your money and don't waste your time with this sorry excuse for a game.