This is one of my earliest childhood memories, and it's a game that ticks "all the right notes" on this console. Since every Atari game plays out like a loop, they could easily become tiresome, but that's not the case here. It's still enjoyable to play every now and then.

One of the few PSX games that can run at 60fps, this overlooked game has a unique aesthetic. It is a 3D-modeled secret agent game set in a 2D environment. You shoot a variety of enemies, jump, crouch, and dodge bombs. The challenge is that this game is VERY HARD, especially for children (I played it in the early 2000s as a child), and there is not much explanation of the objectives. One excellent feature of this game is the soundtrack, which is surprisingly good. It is an intriguing and somewhat unique game, so play it if you want to discover more about PS1 hidden gems

I've completed this game some years ago (before the DLCs), it has good missions, good customization content, and the chance to have an aquatic park and a glacial park with other extinct animals besides dinosaurs is a fascinating idea. The tournament mode is pretty cool and it's worth participating in a battle every now and then. The downside -as always in mobile games- are the microtransactions. Good game overall.

This game feels like the "pure juice" of the 20's: a gigantic and empty open world filled with gimmicky missions (collect pigeons, seriously?) and the obligatory open-world game mission of unlocking antenna signals to see the entire map.

The combat is fairly simple, revolving around launching enemies into the air and attacking them with combos. However, every boss is only vulnerable to being webbed up, rendering other gadgets useless.

The story only begins in the middle of the second act and feels rushed through the third. Additionally, being a western game, it is filled with far-left political views and nuances of state control.

My biggest gripe with this game, similar to Miles Morales, is the relentless dialogue. Characters talk excessively and practically never stop, it's irritating.

On the positive side, the game borrows the structure of the Batman Arkham games, also offering enjoyable web-swinging, impressive graphics, and precise controls. In conclusion, despite some annoying modern trends, this is still a good game.