One of the greats. I played two main play throughs. One as a delusional ‘superstar’ cop who slowly comes to accept he’s a bad person and take ownership of that. And another as a capitalist brute who beat the shit out of Measurehead without thinking twice. He doesn’t care about his memories or even what his name is. He doesn’t take hand outs, he hands out justice, his own justice that isn’t tethered to any known schools of thought. All he knows is he must cop.

These play throughs not only differed, and surprised me by their differences, when they converged I found myself compelled by how the choices the person I was before I pressed new game affected both play throughs.

This game is a landmark, a pure distillation of everything games can be and say. I could play it 10 times and still feel like each play through was distinct and powerful. If you don’t play this game, I’ll fucking kill you.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023
