I was having quite a lot of fun with TOTK last year, playing it for about a week non stop, however, my exams in Uni were about to begin so I avoided picking it up for about 2 weeks. After the tests ended, I developed this extremely odd feeling of not actually wanting to play this ever again. Just the thought of it, made it seem like a chore, and I struggled to remember good things about it without feeling tired of doing it, for some reason.

It's been over a year since I left off so I decided to force myself to finish it, and after a day or so, I can finally take it off from my backlog. It was quite nice, not really something I can possibly imagine spending an entire week playing it while also not being something I loathed. I'm beginning to think this is a genuinely cursed game because I don't think I've ever felt this way with any other piece of media.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2024


5 days ago

nah i've had this feeling even with stuff i did enjoy too, just seems to happen sometimes. starting a game back up is just harder than beginning a new one

5 days ago

Sometimes We need a break from any stuff.