hmm :/

I still adore this games presentation. The sprites and backgrounds are gorgeous, designs are incredible and sound across the board is great!

But the gameplay. I heard people complain its a mash light attack game. I can see that for the first 3 stages, you can coast pretty well with some C and D ranks throughout with mild issues.

Then you get to chapter 4 and the difficulty spikes. Parrying goes from being something to strive for to something you'll need to do if you want to get good scores or even beat the game, trust me. You also really need to grasp how to keep a good combo and meter going as some of the later enemies become total damage sponges.

I don't want it to come off as complaining "Oh game that aims to be hard is too hard" No that's part of the appeal, just the game really doesn't prep you beyond loading screen tips, a basic training mode, and a very brief rundown at the very beginning. A better difficulty curve that preps the player for what the latter half of the game will be asking of them and maybe some tutorials to help people with the parry mechanics would help.

Maybe I need to get good, maybe I need to finally play SF III so I can learn to parry in this game, but I digress. I like this game, I just wish I liked it enough to beat the final boss.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024
