23 Reviews liked by mariboo

My older brother gifted me this on Christmas and lo and behold two months later I actually finished it. I'm not sure what the lesson is here, because as far as I'm concerned all worlds are gay worlds

yuribait novel that's pretty much just schizo writing and what the fuck is mamiya takuji's problem bro by far the most frustrating piece of literature vn and the ending . and the ending GOLLY the ending THE ENDING WAS JUST "live happily I HAVE SCHIZOPHRENIA" LIKE WHAT THE HELL

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lol incest


trails of cold steel better + play real games

Ryukishi07 is capable of achieving profound insight on a wide variety of subjects from fresh and surprising angles. At its peaks, this is undoubtedly the most conceptually ambitious work of mystery fiction ever written. If it takes him 30,000 words of repetitive, superfluous scenery-chewing a chapter to get to those peaks... well, it's not ideal, but I guess I'll allow it.

This is a far more mature work than Higurashi in many ways, but it's also too long to feel so often like it's scrambling for meaning on the fly, shying away from its constant lofty promises with smoke-and-mirrors philosophizing about the nature of narrative. There's little value in telling this kind of story in an orthodox fashion, of course, but at one point or another you have to call the trick out for what it is and move on.

I can't call it a disappointment because it's a triumph on so many levels, but I feel the concept frequently outstrips the execution.

MysteryBait carried ad infinitum in a work made on the march that has the impudence to make you believe that it has an internal logic and a common thread, umineko is one of those pretentious stories that just by taking itself less seriously and stop pretending to be the most serius thing in the world would gain an infinity of value,It is proof that you cannot expect to generate an interconnected plot full of characters that come out of nowhere and ambiguous rules that contradict each other along the way while the story constantly self-sabotages its progress in order to lengthen the gum as much as possible... and that it is useless to have a deep thematic value with good dynamics in your cast, if in the end everything will be constantly reset.

This game is so much of a meme of a romantic visual novel in so many ways with at the best functional or decent ideas. Saki especially is a standout in how much irony in a VN you can reasonably experience. Of course this sounds like a recipe for a 2 or 3 out of 10 right? Wellllll a certain route exists and it completely breaks your mind to an impressive extent, even more so than better VNs with better mindfucks. I'm not saying it's bad though, it is in fact very good and fascinating but the fact that this game exists and you can have such an insane reading is both amazing but also not exactly conducive to a wholly good story. It's hard to describe anything else, I'd say read it but I am not even sure you should do that. I don't remember the routes well enough to rate all of them but Saki route is a 1 or 10 depending on if you are applying irony or not.

It is better than ZTD.

This was peak fiction at points but mind numbing at others. I think the thing holding it back is its structure. Also sometimes it undercuts itself in ways that really don't feel great. But man, its highs are fucking high.

Not interesting, flat characters. boring writing.

Not for me.

peak fiction

NEVER stop fighting for your golden ending

Going to keep this brief as I've only finished the Question Arcs of Higurashi, and I think it would be unfair to review what is essentially half a story, but I have some brief things I want to say.

This story has some lows in it, as anything as lengthy as this would have, and it can be very pulpy, but I am greatly enjoying my time with it. The main cast is obviously the main draw, and by the time of Chapter 3, everyone feels wonderfully fleshed out. I will admit the fourth chapter is a little dry, even for me, but I still had a good time with it. I think most of all, I'm ecstatic for the Answer Arcs now, as I hear that is where is most of the meat of this horror classic is found. But for what I've gotten so far, I really enjoy it so far, and with Chapter 3, I definitely gotten used to loving it. I'm looking forward for when I inevitably say I just do love Higurashi.

Also as I was reading this Silent Hill f got announced and it was like the ultimate jumpscare with Ryukishi07's involvement LOL.

Simultaneously one of my favourite and least favourite arcs