This game’s been sitting unfinished for me since…. 2010 possibly. The praise around AW2 has motivated me to give this and Control a go before I try it, since they’re both on PS Plus. I love the setting and tone of this game, a good balance of mystery, spookiness and just the right amount of cheesiness and humour. The atmosphere is great, and the fog covered trees and flares look fantastic.

Gameplay is ok, but I quickly got bored of it. It’s very samey and not particularly satisfying. The story does help carry it as there are some memorable moments and the allure of solving the mystery. Overall I enjoyed it, but I think it could be improved in the execution. I can understand why it’s taken me this long to finish it. I’m hoping for a little more in Control and AW2.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
