Have to start things off by saying that this game has been in my head for a long ass time now. It started off seing this game on youtube back in 2011 but unable to play it. Loving the movies this was an amazing game to me. 2021 bought a ps3 so was able to knock of most childhood games like cod and the Activision James Bond games. But this game was unfurtunatly n/a anywhere, disc or psn. Uppsetting of course.
Fast forward to current year when a friend told me about Steam Unlocked, a pirating site. It worked so smooth I had to try it and what do you know, they had this beauty. Donloaded instantly and finished over night, with a big smile on my face and tears of joy in the end. I had finally finished the game I had had on my mind for over ten years. Years of rewatching let's plays and the movies.
I can't do anything but love this game, would love to have it legit but yk telltale is dying.
5/5 rating
(I understand the hate this game has gotten, and I understand the points behind it, but I love it, story and gameplay)

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2023
