Such a cozy experience man.

Everyone has a story to tell, be it the regulars that appear frequently throughout the story or the characters who only show up once or twice. And Jill sure knows how to help them drown their sorrows.

Even though the city in which the game's events take place is heavily implied to be a terrible place, most people manage to get by in their day to day and somehow find their own happines. If only for a few hours, visiting Va-11 Hall-A can help you put your mind to ease. Every dialogue is full of charm and feels real: the hacker who can't find a good enough husband, a pair of coworkers who need to relax or a sex worker sharing requests that seem out of this world. And sometimes that's what life is about, sharing a drink while venting about your troubles.

Time to mix drinks and change lives!

Reviewed on Mar 29, 2024
