Sokko akki muramasa is just another one of nitroplus' vile and disgusting creation. though unlike saya no uta muramasa does not include the main character having intercourse with a literal blob it is still as disgusting as saya no uta, the writer did not even try to hide their very obvious fetish towards the act of "rape" and "murder" as in the first chapter both of these happen almost simultaneously. and the worst part is the raping/murder doesn't end in the first chapter. As all the chapters progress and end in very similar manners you either see someone get raped midway through the chapter or you only see it near the end, same goes with the murder. each time you see a new character that is not biologically male yep 👍 she is getting raped!, What do you do if someone is being nice to you in this game? murder them of course! 👍 . Im honestly just confused as to what this game was trying to tell me was it "killing is bad" or was it "killing and raping is good" because they keep making it happen for some fucked up reason????. instead of being something actually good and profound they fucking blew it, just like all the other so called "good games" nitroplus has made.

Reviewed on Apr 25, 2023


1 year ago


1 year ago

average ribeast

1 year ago

wtf are you even talking about
Poo Midtal Shitmon Muramid

1 year ago

wait, this dark fantasy story has murder in it? wtf!?!

1 year ago

kiryu san

1 year ago


1 year ago