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1 day

Last played

May 23, 2023

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Library Ownership


This review contains spoilers

I really enjoyed the music and aesthetics of the four new normal raid fights. The story was ok, with a nice conclusion. It's nice to see some more development on the Ancients, particularly Lahabrea. It was also interesting that they gave me the choice to say that I wasn't sure whether it was really him who was the villain in the earlier iterations of the game, as if the Sundering maybe had an impact.

The MSQ story was better. I really enjoy what they are doing with Zero. She is perhaps the best character they have introduced since they launched the game 13 years ago. Her dynamic reminds me a lot of Data from Star Trek, where she is in this new setting learning what it means to be human. She also has a big impact on the people she is trying to learn from as well, which I enjoy. The new four-person dungeon is fun. I like the remix Sharlayan music. It gives me Breath of Fire III vibes.

The new trial was fine. My duty finder party had DPS who kept dying (18 times in one effort, one of them), so it took us forever to kill. We wiped three times, and the final kill took like ten minutes. As a tank, I had third highest DPS. Anyway, it's probably better with a more experienced group. I picked up the mechanics pretty quickly, having it mostly nailed down before we wiped the first time. It was a little annoying to beat Golbez and then have him turn around and be like "muahaha" and do his thing against the sister. Kind of took the wind out of the victory (especially after struggling for almost an hour with the low DPS).

Overall I think it's a good update. I'm looking forward to exploring the new ocean fishing route and expanding out my island sanctuary over the coming weeks.