Less of a game and more of an interactive comic - however, its well executed. It's less about the game itself and more about the feeling that it gives you alongside the visuals. With it being under an hour of playtime, its very much worth the $2 I bought for it on sale.

The music at time is quite moving and the game does a really good job of trying to keep you immersed. However, my one gripe is that while the PC works well, there are times where it expects you to swipe the screen like its a mobile device and it kinda has to remind you to do that with a little visual cue. It takes me out of the immersion every time, and feels a bit like the game is saying "hurry up" when I'm just trying to look at the visuals. I'm not quite sure what the alternative would be though, and it IS a mobile port, so it might just be what the format allows.

It's a chill short game that is confidently telling its story - its not going to give you alternate paths or any hard puzzles and that's totally fine. But I could see how its not someones thing if they didn't know that going in.

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2023
