If you are on the fence about Hi-Fi rush, buy it. Trust me on this one. I am not someone who is super into Hack n' Slash games, but Hi-Fi Rush was an approachable experience that was intuitive to learn, and an absolute blast. It took a while for the rhythm mechanics to click for me, but when they did, I could not put the game down. Parrying is a mechanic that I tend to hate in these kinds of games, but Hi-Fi Rush makes parrying simple and fun. It's not like the game is easy either; there are some very difficult bosses, and I was getting my ass handed to me on normal mode. Every challenge felt reasonable however, and I improved with each attempt.
For the other aspects of the game, the music is fantastic here. The unlicensed songs are great, and the licensed songs are used in clever and interesting ways. I had great time bopping my head to the music, it's a fantastic soundtrack. The story is pretty generic, but it's carried by great character writing and funny references. The fights and traversal between bosses are also great. It's really nice to be able to take in the music and the creative environments of this game. Speaking of the environments, this game's artstyle is beautiful. It looks so crisp inside of cutscenes and the overworld, it is super pleasing to look at and completely makes the game feel like a comic book.

Anyways, you should play Hi-Fi Rush. This is a legitimate Game of the Year contender. It's wild that an indie release with a smaller development team can be better than most AAA titles.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2023
