I just did not have fun with this at all. I played for about 3 hours, and all the nitpicks just kept adding up. This game just feels like a dollar store version of Dishonored. Just gonna list all the nitpicks that led to me dropping it:

- The writing tries way too hard to be funny, and it just isn't.
- The level design is extremely uninspired, and reusing maps over and over again got old extremely fast
- Stealth just does not feel viable, there are so many cameras and turrets all over the place. It's just better to go guns blazing. I suck at stealth games, and Dishonored was so much fun for me. Stealth could go insanely wrong or totally right and feel rewarding either way. This game actively discourages stealth.
- To encourage stealth, guns can jam. For the reasons listed before, this is just an annoyance rather than smart game design.
- The tutorials are extremely unintuitive and don't make it easy to learn the game. Pop ups are annoying.
- The story has intrigue, but most of it is presented through in game letters and emails. I don't like stopping and reading, but it's worse in a shooter.
- FPS drops so much mid combat
- The AI is garbage. The enemies are designed poorly and they are just spammed at you instead.

I wish I was more interested in this game. I just can't help but make comparisons to Arkane Lyon's better works. The game has an interesting premise but just fails to execute.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
