Undertale is a really strange game for me to rate. I loved the journey but didn’t love the destination. I finished the pacifist playthrough, but I don’t feel inclined to get the true ending. The final boss fight just feels like the game got too far in its own head. It already subverts so many of your expectations, but it was just too over the top and wacky for my tastes. It also just feels like it required good RNG to win it, probably the worst feeling final boss ever. It wasn’t too hard, but it really hampered my enjoyment of the game. That aside, the game is fantastic. The dialogue is hilarious, the characters are great, and the lore is intriguing. I love the soundtrack too, and I will give it plenty of listens in the future. While it gets a lot of things right, some parts of Undertale hold it back from being one of my favorite games.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2023
