I have never really played a Sonic game before. I played a little bit of Rush and Colors on my DS when I was younger, but I never really got very far. Sonic Mania was my first real dive into the franchise, and for such an acclaimed title, I have to say that I am a little disappointed.
To start with a positive, the game feels very nice to control. Momentum feels fantastic, and it is so much fun to learn and play with. Sometimes you are flying through levels, and sometimes you need to slow down to platform. The levels mostly make good use of switching between fast and slow sections, so neither fast or slow get boring.
Speaking of the levels, this game has a mixed bag of level design. Some are some of the best I have played in a platformer, (Studiopolis and Mirage Saloon) and others are absolutely dreadful to go through (Flying Battery and Titanic Monarch). You can go from having the most fun ever to being absolutely miserable with unfair enemy placements and death pits. The rest of the levels range from mildly annoying to a decent time, so it averages out to above average level design. The bosses are kind of similar, some great ones, some annoying ones, but definitely less variance than the levels.
The game looks and sounds absolutely beautiful. I don't think there is a single miss on the entire soundtrack, and the pixel art is nothing short of perfection. The characters just look so damn charming, and they are extremely expressive. Zones are made so much better from the fantastic scenery and artwork, the set pieces are gorgeous and interesting as well.
I like Sonic Mania, but I definitely don't love it. It can be extremely frustrating at times, but it's generally a fun experience. I wish it was a bit more forgiving, as I think it would make beginners feel more welcomed into the series. I don't know if I'll ever touch a Sonic game again, but this was a solid game overall.

Reviewed on Mar 09, 2023
