This review contains spoilers

Ever since starting the Yakuza franchise with Yakuza 0, Kiryu has been my favorite character and, over time, he ultimately became my favorite fictional protagonist in anything I've ever experienced. When I played Yakuza: Like A Dragon, the last thing I expected was to see him in it and playing Gaiden right after finishing Like A Dragon was the best decision I could've made.

A lot of questions went through my head upon Kiryu's arrival in the previous game and I wondered if the time between his big comeback and after his fake death in 6 would be something they'd explore here and I couldn't be happier with the fact that that is exactly what I got.

From the very start, this game captured me with its stunning presentation, incredible graphics and amazing soundtrack and it had me on the edge of my seat, hanging on to every word, to find out what Kiryu has been up to in his absence. I think every Yakuza game is one that explores Kiryu's character well, making us understand his motivation and ambitions in life, what he most wants to protect and how he feels about everything he's doing or had to do. This game - alongside 0, 5, 6 and Kiwami 2 - has, without a doubt, some of the BEST content for Kiryu and the journey he's been on. The confrontation at Omi Headquarters, his final fight against Shishido and him watching the surveillance footage Hanawa showed him, is one of my favorite and one of the best stretches in the entire franchise. It shows us exactly who Kiryu is and the whole game, up until that point, showcases who he's always been, a retrospection of his entire legacy up until now. It all culminates here. The coliseum for example was such a thrilling and emotional experience to me for that reason.

The way RGG handled this entire game, making it into such a spectacle and this big recollection and, in the end, giving us such an incredibly heartwarming and also heart wrenching moment for Kiryu - it was all masterful. This now truly feels like a new chapter in his life and I, for one, have no clue what 8 has in store for me, but I know it'll be brilliant. Especially after what I've experienced in Gaiden.

This game is absolute perfection to me. From the plot integration and connection it has to previous and upcoming games, to the character writing and gameplay - I have zero complaints. The combat is the best it's ever been. The Akame Network was an evolution and perfected system whose predecessors (Tanimura's police scanner in 4, Troublr in 6 and the Part Time Hero stuff from Like A Dragon) I've always enjoyed. The side content and sub stories reached a new high, with some feeling absolutely necessary to experience, and only enhanced the story and overall game for me. My first session playing this lasted almost 10 hours, which for me, as someone who isn't hugely into gaming in the first place, was previously unheard of (and I could've kept playing as well).

The newly introduced characters and side cast were also brilliant. Shishido, Tsuruno, Hanawa, Akame and Nishitani all stole my heart. I never thought I'd hear the name Nishitani ever again and to make it into what they did, was genius. Can't have a Yakuza game without some secret Koreans in it, but it works wonderfully. Him taking on that name and Nishitani's dynamics with Kiryu, Shishido, Tsuruno and Watase were more than I could've asked for.

Shishido had one of the best character arcs in this game, with one of the most well written betrayals in the series so far. Hanawa was probably my favorite newly introduced character though. All of his moments with Kiryu made me adore him and the end threw me for a loop. I NEED TO KNOW WHERE HE KNOWS KIRYU FROM. WHO EXACTLY IS/WAS HE. I'm sure I'll figure it out on my own or Infinite Wealth will tell me. There was so much depth and complexity in every new character presented and already existing characters that made an appearance had me hold back screams. Just simply seeing Ichiban made me lose it. Seeing that whole dissolution from Like A Dragon from Kiryu's perspective was something I was hoping for since starting the game and finding out when it takes place in the timeline. A great first meeting between the Dragon of Dojima and Hero of Yokohama. I know their dynamic will continue to impress and engage me. They made my brain melt every time they've come across each other. I love them both so much. To see all the other legendary Yakuza alongside Kiryu was amazing as well. Between Majima not wanting Kiryu to leave so quickly again and Daigo finally seeing his father figure again for the first time after his alleged death, the tears just wouldn't stop flowing. Not a single moment felt wasted, every little thing elevated everyone currently on screen I still can't believe it's all real.

Gaiden even managed to do something I never deemed possible which is give more substance to Yumi and make me dislike her less. I'm still not a fan of Yumi. I'll probably always think she was handled poorly in Kiwami 1 and her lack of personality made it hard for me to imagine that what Kiryu said - that the perfect wedding destination for her would be Hawaii - is something she actually believed (I couldn't tell you if that fit with her characterization or not, we barely got anything) BUT I have to say this is the first time in the franchise where from Kiryu's side of things, his feelings towards her actually felt believable. I never liked the execution their "romance" got in Kiwami 1 and I never cared when she was mentioned in following games, but it works here, which I'm very happy about. His story starts with picking up the ring and ends with him putting it down, a very fitting end.

So yeah, Kiryu is still without a doubt the best protagonist I've come across and this game was a class act in efficiency with great visuals and fun gameplay.

Will Kashiwagi and Kiryu ever meet again? Will Kiryu ever get to reunite with his family back in Okinawa or his family within the now dissolved Tojo clan? Is he having a nice time on Hawaii? I'm sure I'll find out once Infinite Wealth releases and I get to play it. Until then, "Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name" will remain my new favorite game I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Did I mention that before by the way? This is now my favorite game of all time. Truly a life changing experience that will stick with me for many years to come.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
