I keep thinking back to the moment Cal is about to reach the top of the Origin Tree. He witnesses some magnificent vistas, presumably for the first time in his life. In that moment, he realizes to himself that the clutch of the empire he has spent his entire life tightly gripped within, is but a miniscule fraction of the universe. That, their tyrannical grasp over so many lives, is not as grand as they play it off to be. And that, perhaps, there is a chance that things can get better.

I teared up. I found it a really powerful moment, and I can't stop thinking about it. I think it would be disingenuous for me to say that triple-A games have rarely made me feel anything. However, I can, at the least, say that Jedi: Fallen Order has a living, beating heart within it, that bursts out within several instances throughout its runtime. I honestly could go on about the moments I had with this game.

Perhaps calling the game a pastiche of its inspirations isn't wrong, but I think every piece of media is a summation of what came before it. For me, personally, I feel the team behind Jedi: Fallen Order, despite their occasional missteps, honestly put their best foot forward every step of the way. I can't wait to see what comes next. Thank you, Respawn, for reminding me why I love Star Wars so much.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
