Arcade perfection. The Tetris of racing games. Tight controls, finely tuned difficulty, and some really fun level design. Crisp pixelart, with amazing use of scaling to convey depth. A small, yet aurally engaging soundtrack, and some fantastic sound design that is both satisfying, and useful to the player. OutRun is timeless, and if you've never played this one, its absolutely worth your time.

I've played a couple of versions of OutRun over the years. The arcade original is still completely serviceable, and worth going back to. The 3DS and Switch versions are fantastic, and come with a lot of QOL tweaks. Though overall, I feel the Saturn version is my favorite. It has a 60fps mode, like the modern conversions, and comes with an arranged version of the soundtrack. Though, however you decide to play this one, you're going to have a good time.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2022
