kamiya is an arcade guy, that's his sensibility, dmc3 and 4 aren't arcades and they don't mesh well with one, here there is a pretty good base for an expressive action game that gets cannibalized by vehicle sections and qtes and a lot of stuff that either limits character expression or is outright annoying in this context, this dumb mixeup now hangs on the shadow of almost all of platinum's work and that's a shame. also this is very unsexy because kamiya is incapable of charm, he tries too hard and he isn't itsuno, nothing here comes even close to the dmc3 dante pizza intro, i won't dream of bayonetta for years to come.

Reviewed on May 10, 2021


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

cringe cereales

2 years ago

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2 years ago

kamiya's arcade sensibilities are much more rooted in wanting to have short, replayable levels that continuously shake things up, and the accompanying segments are a fairly natural evolution of his desire for weird gimmick stuff; the motorcycle part is a barrage of references to specific sega arcade games, for instance, and QTEs originate in arcade titles like Dragon's Crown and Dynamite Cop. the irony is that Mikami's similar arcade influences in RE4 wound up influencing AAA design in a way that makes these interludes feel like AAA invasions instead of the homages that I think they're intended to be. your introduction to bayonetta as a character is her in a nun outfit that serves to show how flat-out inhuman her proportions are, and then everything after that is exaggerated to a point of comedic ridiculousness in a pretty similar vein to how kamiya's comedy in other games works (unles the bone you have to pick here isn't about the literal sexiness inasmuch as it's the "cool factor" in the cutscenes, in which case the issue lies less with kamiya, it's with the cutscene director, who coincidentally happens to be... the DMC3 cutscene director)

don't disagree with the stuff you're inherently saying but i think you're just viewing it through a very different lens than me, it's a real shame that you had shitters in these comments.
i think the real issue isn't that he's leaving the arcade for a home console, it's much more that he's trying to do an itsuno game when he's best making kamiya games, as well as how it marked when platinum started thinking that spectacle is more important than a mechanical foundation despite bayonetta itself being really fucking solid mechanically; see how platinum games designed bayonetta 2, a game they deemed an appropriate followup despite completely forsaking most of the mechanical intracacies that made bayonetta worth playing more than once.
thank you for the comment batrice! i think we agree on a lot of the stuff you say (specially in regards to the kamiya making an itsuno game/ platinum and spectacle / how the mini games can feel like aaa invasions instead of being homages etc)

i didnt know that about the dmc3 cutscene director, but my comment wasn't so much about the literal direction as it has to do with kamiya's brand of comedy you point out, which im certain influences my actual issues with the cutscenes. then again perhaps "unsexy" wasn't the best word...

2 years ago
